Your dentist in Madrid. Clinica Velazquez is a dental clinic which, due to its technology, its facilities and the training of each dentist working at the dental clinic, is considered to be one of the best clinics in Madrid.

Your Dentist in Madrid, Dental Clinic Velazquez offer good dentist in Madrid for each treatment. The treatments are performed by a specialist dentistdepending on the treatment in question. We have cutting edge technology (e.g. three dimensional imaging) together with modern facilities and premises in the very centre of Madrid.

The specialist team is made up of specialist dentists  every dentist is a good dentist in his area: implants and surgery  (doctor in Medicine and Surgery), periodontics (periodontist dentist),  endodontics (endodontic dentist) , orthodontics (orthodontic dentist) and paediatric dentistry (paediatric dentist). As well as the dentists, three hygienists, five dental assistants and two receptionists also work at the clinic. We also have collaborations with an anaesthetist and a physiotherapist. In the doctor-dentist section you can take a look at the curriculum vitae and training of each dentist working at the dental clinic.

The surgery is located in Madrid in Calle Velázquez number 118 first floor, in the centre of Madrid. The clinic opened in November of 2003 and extends over 350 m ² It has five dental cubicles and a surgical treatment room. In the dental clinic itself there is three dimensional imaging equipment (Sirona Galaxis), orthopantomography radiography and teleradiology equipment and Dürr intraoral imaging. In addition, there are three autoclaves for sterilization of materials.

We provide the option of communicating in English, French, Portuguese, German and Luxembourgish.

The first visit its free. The cost of dental treatments is detailed at the end of this page. During the first visit, we will provide you with a treatment plan and a no-obligation quotation.

We can confidently state that this is one of the very best dental clinics in Madrid and you will find a good dentist.


In our dental clinic, dental treatments are carried our by dental specialists.

The consulting team consists of surgical and implant specialists, periodontists, specialists in endodontics, orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry.

Each professional is highly qualified with both training and experience. To be a good dentist takes time and study. All this guarantees that the treatments carried out in our dental clinic in Madrid are of extremely high quality. You can rest assured that the dental treatments carried out for you at the Velázquez dental clinic are performed by a true expert. Every one is a good dentist in his area.

All this ensures that the treatments carried out in our dental clinic in Madrid are of a very high standard. You can rest assured that the dental treatments carried out for you at the Velázquez dental clinic are performed by a true expert.

We provide speciality treatments together with integration and coordination, given that everything is carried out within the same dental clinic  in the center of Madrid.


Training, innovation and updating are the keys to how we interpret modern dentistry.

We offer cutting edge treatments based on:

1.- The experience and training of our specialists

2.- Technology and facilities

Amongst others of note are three dimensional imaging, regeneration techniques using growth factors, bone and connective tissue grafts, microbiological bacteria tests in periodontal disease, computer-guided implants, rehabilitations with CAD-CAM technology, and many more.

You will find a good dentist in Madrid in a dental clinic with modern facilities


We want to offer both “expertise” and technology, but it would be an incomplete service if another fundamental ingredient were missing: CONFIDENCE.

If you know us already, you will know that we inspire trust:

  1. confidence in the people that make up our team,
  2. confidence in the training and experience of the personnel at the dental clinic,
  3.  confidence in the materials we use,
  4. confidence in the sterilization we tell you about,
  5. confidence in the prices given for the treatments provided
  6. confidence in the explanations given

We try to offer the very best that a good dentist can do.

Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía.Universidad Autónoma Madrid.good dentist in madrid
Licenciado en Odontología.Universidad Complutense Madrid.
Especialista en implantes dentales.
Fellowship in Implantology.Loma Linda University. California.
Visiting assistant at Dr. Leonard Linkow Office. NY.
Médico-cirujano colaborador.Cirugía Oral Hospital Clínico S. Carlos.
Colegiado en el Colegio de Médicos de Madrid nº nº 36068
Colegiado en el Colegio de Odontólogos de Madrid nº 4666
Miembro de la Asociación Española de Cirugía Oral
Miembro de la European Association for Osseointegration
Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y Osteointegración
Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Prótesis Estomatológica

Universidad Complutense de Madrid.good dentist in madrid
Premio Extraordinario de Licenciatura al mejor expediente académico.
Becas de formación continuada Mejor Expediente Académico.                                                                                     Máster en Endodoncia.UC Madrid. Especialista en implato-prótesis .UC Madrid .                                                                   Colegiada Ilustre Colegio de Odontólogos de Madrid nº6099.                                                                                  Miembro numerario de la Asociación Española de Endodoncia                                                                         Madrid Encargado del Departamento de Endodoncia en Clínica Dental Velázquez. Madrid.

Licenciada en Odontología,Universidad Libre de Bruselas.the best dentist in madrid

Especialista en Endodoncia. ,Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid

Colegiada Ilustre Colegio de Odontólogos de Madrid nº8911

Encargada del Departamento de Odontopediatria y Endodoncia Clínica Dental Velázquez. Madrid.

Colegiado en el Colegio de Odontólogos de Madrid.nº 7369.
Master en periodoncia y osteointegración en la Universidad de Alcala de Henaresthe best dentist in madrid
Especialista en implantoprotesis UC Madrid
Especialista en implantologia Universidad Santiago de Compostela
Diplomado por la UC Madrid en tratamientos avanzados en periodoncia e implantología
Diplomado por la UC Madrid en cirugía plástica periodontal y periimplantaria
Miembro de la sociedad española de periodoncia SEPA.
Miembro ITI ( International team for implantology ).
Encargado del Departamento de Periodoncia en Clínica Dental Velázquez. Madrid.

Licenciada en Odontologia por la universidad Alfonso X
Master en Ortodoncia en la universidad Alfonso Xa good dentist in madrid
Certificación INVISALIGN. Master de ortodoncia transparente Invisalign
Invisalign provider GOLD
Master DAMON
Certificacion de INCOGNITO – ortodoncia lingual
Miembro de Asociación Española de Especialistas en Ortodoncia
Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia (SEDO)



Cost of the first visit 0
Revisión 0
Cost of an x ray 19
Cost of Orthopantomography 35
Cost of TAC Scanner 98
Bleaching Cost 278
Cost of Orthodontic Study Case 62
Cost of Bracket Orthodontic Treatment 3.000
Cost of Invisaling Full Treatment 4.500
Cost of Invisaling Lite Treatment 3.400
Cost of a dental cleaning 48
Cost of curetaje 93
Cost of a dental implant 829
Cost of the crown on a dental implant 761
Cost of the provisional crown 45
Cost of a  crown 320
Cost of a Zirconia Crown 390
Cost of a root canal treatment incisor 149
Cost of a root canal treatment premolar 169
Cost of a root canal treatment molar 220
Cost of an extraction 50
Cost of the surgical extraction 90
Cost of winsdow tooth extraction 160
Cost of regeneration 258
Cost of a filing 59
Cost of the complex filing 67

How we operate. What happens during the first visit

1- We arrange an appointment by telephone or email.

One of our objectives it to see you in a timely fashion. We usually achieve this.

2- When you get to the clinic.

The dentist greets you and enquires about your problem and if you have any other type of illness that may affect the dental treatment.


After establishing the relevant information, the dentist will examine your teeth and mouth.

If you need it, x-rays will be taken. The cost of an x-ray is 15 euros.

3-Drawing up a treatment plan and quotation

The specialist dentist will explain the diagnosis and present you with a treatment plan together with quotation for the cost.

On this website you can see the cost of the most common treatments:

For example: cost of a filling 59 euros. Cost of a dental implant: 829 euros. Cost of dental whitening: 48 euros

We will always inform you of the cost of your treatments.


If you are in agreement, we will arrange an appointment with the appropriate specialist dentist to carry out the treatment.

Treatments are paid for as they are being done. We have finance options available at no additional cost.


If your are looking for a good dentist in Madrid: here we are.

Dental Clinic Velazquez offer the best dentists in Madrid. Good dentist in Madrid. A modern clinic. With the most modern techniques. Firs appoitment free.

You can rest assured that the dental treatments carried out for you at the Velázquez dental clinic are performed by a good dentist in Madrid